Alsace Digitale BBQ


Even though Alsace Digitale is just a few months old, we decided to organize our first Community BBQ.

It was a real success, thanks to our numerous sponsors who provided sausages, flammekueches, coke, lemonade and… tomatoes and watermelons (yes, we have girls too).

It was the first time I really discussed with Tom Brehm and his entrepreneurship adventure with Limonade Min’s (we met a few times before at the BarCampAlsace6.5 for example). Their business model is inspired by Jones Soda. They make traditional lemonade and when you order your bottles, you can provide some fancy logo or image and they will make a special sticker for you. Add to that the fancy QR code, and you have some limonade for geeks 🙂

And for the entrepreneurship adventure, they bought an old bottling machine from Austria and they moved it in a small village near Strasbourg !