Archive for the ‘entrepreneurship’ Category

So you’re going to a Startup Weekend ? Like the Startup Weekend Strasbourg happenning this week end. Here is a simple check list if it’s you’re first Startup Weekend : If you’re not part of a well organized team, or, if you know that you will work a lot, bring a sleeping bag A laptop […]

Pour paraphraser Guillaume Bertholet et son “Choisir son statut juridique – en 30 secondes”. Une question qui revient souvent en création d’entreprise et semble faire un peu peur, surtout pour les plus jeunes créateurs, est celle du choix de la technologie utilisée par la nouvelle entreprise. Je ne vais pas ici m’adresser à tous les […]

Le mouvement Startup Weekend prends une belle envolée ces derniers mois en France. Des villes telles que Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Toulouse, Bordeaux et j’en passe ont déjà organisé un ou plusieurs Startup Weekend. J’ai d’ailleurs participé au SWPA3 (Startup Weekend Paris 3), voir à ce sujet mon article nommé “Let’s fucking do it” sur […]

The energy and the enthusiasm at the last Startup Weekend Paris reminds me about the “1 idea per month” program I invented in the early days of Novelys. The concept is very simple : everybody has tons of ideas every day. But usually you forget them or you say to yourself “maybe I’ll take care […]

“Let’s fucking do it” could have been the motto of the past week-end at Startup Weekend Paris. I’m really amazed at how much work has been done in our team during this week end and how much energy has been burnt 🙂 Qualifeed So, we released Qualifeed yesterday. In this really really early version, Qualifeed […]

I’m currently at Startup Weekend Paris (#swpa on twitter). For those who haven’t heard of this concept before, it’s very simple : you have 54 hours to create a new company. The event is structured in phases : first phase: anybody can pitch a project (1 minute) second phase: everybody can vote for his favorite […]

Start In Paris is a monthly community event for startups, made by some startuppers for the startuppers (this is how I understood it in the first place, we’ll see later, that definition needs some correction). It was created by Laurent Kretz (@laurentk) and Jonathan Benoudiz (@bJonathan), the two co-founders of Submate. It’s a pitch competition […]

2010_0708_barbecue_alsace_digitale Originally uploaded by tom.brehm Even though Alsace Digitale is just a few months old, we decided to organize our first Community BBQ. It was a real success, thanks to our numerous sponsors who provided sausages, flammekueches, coke, lemonade and… tomatoes and watermelons (yes, we have girls too). It was the first time I really […]