Archive for the ‘ruby’ Category

Following a discussion on Twitter mentionning this article 24 Extremely Useful Ruby Gems for Web Development which I don’t really agree with… Indeed, the title is misleading: it talks about webdev but includes some gems that targets sysops or speaks about omniauth but includes authlogic (wtf?). So, here is the set of gems I usually […]

Disclaimer : my company, Novelys, sponsored RuLu, and I organized the last RailsCampParis. After having hesitated a little bit, because of the slow-and-old transportation facility to go from Strasbourg to Lyon, we finally decided with Justine to go to Ruby Lugdunum, the two day, single track Ruby conference in Lyon, France. Speakers Of course, the […]

EuRuko is THE european Ruby conference. Every year the venue is elected by the attendees of the event. Last year, we were in Krakow with Justine, for the 2010 edition. It’s a great conference full of nice people (the speakers, the organizers and the attendees). We are proposing Strasbourg as a candidate city for hosting […]

“Let’s fucking do it” could have been the motto of the past week-end at Startup Weekend Paris. I’m really amazed at how much work has been done in our team during this week end and how much energy has been burnt 🙂 Qualifeed So, we released Qualifeed yesterday. In this really really early version, Qualifeed […]

Some people have difficult experiences with Ruby on Rails in France. Imagine that : your cofounder is a Rails ninja. Of course he chooses Rails as the main tech for your startup. And then, after some times, he decides to left the company. And now, you have to look for Rails talent. And you now […]

Lundi 21 juin avait donc lieu à La Cantine à Paris la conférence MongoFR : toute une journée dédiée à la base de données MongoDB. J’ai eu le plaisir d’être speaker en démarrant la journée en pole position pour présenter “Ruby et MongoDB dans la pratique”. En français donc, histoire de diffuser la bonne parole […]

This post is about the MongoFR conference, organized by 10gen, the 21st of june in Paris. As my talk will be in french, the rest of this post is in french. 10gen, la boîte derrière la base de données NoSQL MongoDB, organise une journée de formation/présentation autour de MongoDB le 21 juin à la Cantine. […]

Pour ceux qui n’ont pu assister à la MiniConf “Écosystème Ruby : état des lieux et perspectives, les slides”, voici une petite explication sur le nouveau logo Ruby (qui ressemble à s’y méprendre à l’ancien logo). Tout d’abord, on constate que le langage est résolument tourné vers la pointe de l’avenir du futur de l’avenir. […]

Voici les slides de la conférence Écosystème Ruby : état des lieux et perspectives que j’ai présenté hier soir.

Mardi 11 mars, dans le cadre du cycle de conférences mensuelles (les désormais fameuses MiniConf) du Linux User Group de Strasbourg, j’aurais le plaisir de vous présenter un petit état des lieux de l’écosystème Ruby. En effet, l’avènement du framework Ruby on Rails a mis le langage Ruby sous les feux de la rampe. On […]